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Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Children learn the word ‘texture’. They look carefully at their favourite toy and talk about the feel and appearance. They decide which media they want to use to represent it and do a beautiful drawing! They talk about their work and the work of other people. Suitable for years 1 and 2.
Yr 3 NF Unit 2A Instructions : Recipes and Pet Care

Yr 3 NF Unit 2A Instructions : Recipes and Pet Care

Use recipes in Beware of Boys to identify differences between fiction and non-fiction text and to stimulate recipe writing. Make pop-up cards without pics and study recipes without ingredients to identify features. Then write instructions for pet care as a poem!
Rainforest Pastel Pictures

Rainforest Pastel Pictures

Using Where the Forest Meets the Sea children study in detail the palette of colours created by the rainforest. Then using pastels and blending techniques children create a pastel rainforest picture. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Minibeasts in local environment

Minibeasts in local environment

Go on a walk in the school grounds to discover there are different plants and animals in the local environment. Collect minibeasts. Think about where we might find them. Name, label and draw minibeasts back in the classroom. Suitable for Year 2 pupils.
Why things float

Why things float

Why do some materials/objects float or sink? Talk about different materials used to make boats & ships. Carry out investigations: can children make plasticine float? How many pebbles/marbles will sink a plastic container? What happens when you blow air into water? Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
What is it?

What is it?

Children find out how plants and animals are classified into groups. They then try to identify the minibeasts found during the field trip and create a key using a branching database to enable other children to identify them. Suitable for Year 4 pupils.
Explore sight

Explore sight

Focus on the sense of sight. Play ‘Kim’s Game’ and identify some animal eyes. Discuss sensitivity of eyes and safety. Collect and group information about eye colour and create a pictogram of the results. Draw pictures of animals that can see in the dark. Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
Rusting nails

Rusting nails

Look at an irreversible change. Children set up an investigation to answer questions about nails rusting. Will they compare nails made from different materials or find out whether or not both water and air are needed for rusting to occur? Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Sketch Maps and Plans

Sketch Maps and Plans

Sketch maps of the local area and plans of homes and other places will help their link school friends understand the children’s daily lives as described in their diaries. Look at OS maps and street plans. Children use symbols and a key to clarify their maps and plans. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Thermal insulators & conductors

Thermal insulators & conductors

The properties of materials relate to their use as everyday objects such as spoons. Children test the insulating properties of various stirrers & discuss everyday uses of materials for thermal insulation or conduction. Look at diff meanings of word conductor. Suitable for Y4 pupils.


In this session children blast off to the far flung corners of the galaxy to find out more about the planets that make up our solar system. They collect data in the form of a fact file used to report back to the rest of the class. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.


Session 1 - Look at the physical changes that take place during puberty. Some are seen easily, e.g. growing taller and broader, hair around genitals and under arms, etc. Also discuss menstruation and wet dreams and rites of passage in different cultures on reaching puberty. Session 2 - Look at the emotional changes in puberty. Use drama to act out typical scenarios involving parents and teenagers; look at the different viewpoints and discuss how compromise can ease situations. Look at the meaning of friendships and where help can be found. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Italy & The UK

Italy & The UK

Following the work in Session 11, chn consider how Italy fits into the categories of countries in the modern world. After a discussion of the difference between developed and developing countries, children identify the differences between Italy and the UK. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Make a Map

Make a Map

Children learn all about Britain and the different countries that make it complete. They write simple labels and create their own personal map of Britain, positioning favourite places and familiar landmarks. Suitable for Years 1 and 2.


Introduce simple definition of ‘friction’. Look carefully at a bicycle or tricycle to identify the forces in action. Discuss forces in other vehicles. A range of activities about forces mainly to do with vehicles. Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Following their personal choices in session 1, children research the countries they identified. They mark physical features on their maps, including rivers, lakes, deserts and mountains. They also identify the oceans and seas. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall

Children study old Roman maps and look at the walls that the Romans built to protect their empire. They study Hadrian’s wall and look at pictures. They create their own map of the boundaries of the Roman empire, drawing walls, marking rivers, coasts etc. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Life cycles

Life cycles

Session 1 - Set up ground rules for this Strand. Revise knowledge of life cycles of butterflies and frogs which both involve metamorphosis and flowering plants. Discuss reasons for reproduction and consider animals facing extinction. Start reading Flour Babies. Session 2 - Using the riddle of the Sphinx as a starting point, look in detail at the human life cycle and compare the stages with those of other animals. Look at the range of different gestation periods and life spans; draw graphs and look for patterns. Begin research. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
The Water Cycle Experiment

The Water Cycle Experiment

In this session children get a better understanding of why there is so much rain in rainforest regions. Chn create simple explanations in wordsildren pictures and diagrams. Suitable for years 3 and 4.


Session 1 - Changes at puberty prepare our bodies to have children of our own. Look in more detail at human fertilisation and pregnancy and learn how important it is for mother-to-be to look after her health. Look at baby growth in utero and explain function of umbilical cord. Session 2 - Watch a video of a birth and discuss other forms of delivery such as Caesarean or forceps deliveries. Discuss how the parents’ lives will now change and relate this to children’s Flour Babies experience. Research birth rites of passage in different cultures. Suitable for Y6 pupils.